Man Vs Nature (Memoir)

Twas just another peaceful day of creative writing. Our class had successfully trekked to the river for some writing I never intended to do. It was a beautiful day, the sky was pure blue with occasional gashes of white clouds piercing the veil of the blue like tears in a teddy bear. The weather was cool, enough to survive in a t-shirt, though those around me shivered in the breeze brought from the peaceful river. Along the river bed, we sat, some wrote their pieces fueled by the infinite inspiration from the outdoors, others gathering with their friends and enjoying the day with laughter all around. My small huddle, consisting of me and my ripped Italian man, threw rocks across the river. We watched with glee as each stone hopped from splish to splash across the wide current of water. I remember we had gained a small crowd of girls gathered in awe around us, curious and eager to learn how we were able to miraculously make stones glide across the murky water. It was a really good day to be me.

That was until the menace had attacked.

I had noticed the presence of that particular group of savages before but paid them no attention due to the sheer fact of mother nature that we were bigger, and thus our presence should in theory intimidate them from ever being a threat. But like a curious mouse poking his head into the den of snakes, one acted in defiance of mother nature’s laws and approached our newly claimed territory with unwavering confidence. As it hit the ground, it stood tall and flexed its sheen black wings in an effort to deter our human occupation. With a challenging grunt, it flexed its many teeth at our crowd of mere humans with our simple anatomy. The ladies screamed and ran, my Italian friend, joined them in their cowardice in order to avoid confrontation with the beast. I, however, stood my ground. Pushing my hair from my eyes I picked up my weapon of choice, a large stone. As I held it high above my head, a feeling of bravery and determination swept over me like I have felt many times before. This beast would not deter me like it had my friends, and I shall send it back to the watery hell from which it came.

It took steps towards me, daring me to make some move or so any signs of weakness, but I knew its tricks and dug my heels deeper into the stone foundation from which I stood. Oh, what a scene this was! I, so courageously staring down this winged wretch from the depths and air! Photos were taken of this grand event, though they were unfortunately lost in time as all legendary things do. Eventually the daggers I stared into the fowl creatures eyes began to wear on its confidence, eventually leading it simply to waiver away. I pushed it back into the water, watched in joy as it swam away. As I dropped my rock my comrades came back to my side, cheering my name and the triumph I had over the goose. There was no bloodshed, rather a simple vicious battle of our hardened minds. Alas, like every time humans have come in contact with nature, the human won. I walked home with a smile on my face. Word spread about my victory but was shortly forgotten due to the sheer amount of schoolwork that the students were inevitably betrothed to. I will never forget this epic battle and by putting it into words I hope to immortalize this event till the end of time. Now my fight will never be forgotten. The battle of the goose.

2 thoughts on “Man Vs Nature (Memoir)

  1. Dear Jimmy.
    I enjoyed reading your memory because the detail was clear and visualizing, I could see the exact scenario reenacted in my head. Another thing I enjoyed was the story itself, a battle with a goose that brought me a few laughs. One small suggestion is using a few less descriptions in some areas. However, I really enjoyed the story and would like to read more in the future.

  2. Ah yes. It is simply wonderful to hear a story, but it is even better to visualize it and completely understand it. This may be because I have heard you talk about this before or because I have been to Edworthy park before, but I can picture everything perfectly in my mind when I read your account of this most glorious battle.
    As I always do, I greatly enjoy your humor. There are so many instances where you have interjected drama and comedy to heighten the circumstances when in reality you stared at a goose. The dramatization was excellent. I liked the pun about fowl. I don’t know why but I did, I thought it was a really clever pun.
    Great work,

    From Ethan

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